Open Records

You have the right to access public records not exempt from disclosure.  You can request records using the online form below.

Effective Oct. 18, 2021 the Commission revised its open records disclosure policy and no longer releases a licensee or applicant’s personal email address, cell phone number and home address pursuant to the exemption for disclosure provided in K.S.A. 45-221(a)(49).

What Records are Available

  • Statutes, Regulations, Policies
  • Minutes and documents cited in open meetings
  • Salaries and basic information about public employees
  • Budget and financial information
  • Licensing data

What Records are NOT Available

Some records may contain private, privileged or confidential information.  Exceptions to the Kansas Open Records Act may include the following:

  • Certain information regarding personnel
  • Records protected by attorney-client privilege or attorney work product
  • Notes and preliminary drafts
  • Correspondence between a private individual and a government agency
  • Records related to pending administrative or civil litigation, if those records result from the investigation of possible violations.

A detailed list of exemptions to the Kansas Open Records Act can be found in K.S.A. 45-221(a).


Request for Records

If you are requesting records on your own behalf:

Authorized Agent of/for (if requesting records pursuant to K.S.A. 45-220):

I do hereby certify that:
1)  I will not use the list of names and addresses contained in or derived from the requested public record for the purpose of selling or offering for sale any property or service to any person or firm who resides at any address listed; or

2)  I shall not sell, give or otherwise make available to any person or firm any list of names and addresses contained in or derived from the requested public records or information for the purpose of allowing that person or firm to sell or offer for sale any property or service to any person or firm who resides at any address listed.
The Commission will contact you with an estimate of the total cost.  The Commission will fulfill your request upon receipt of payment of the total cost.  The Kansas Open Records Act does not require the Commission to prepare a report or create a record at your request. We will act on your request for public records within three business days after receipt.  The Commission will notify you if it takes longer than three business days. Your request may be denied in whole or in part.  If it is denied, we will identify generally the records denied and the specific legal authority for the denial.